On behalf of the Conference Committee, we are delighted to invite you to attend the International Council on Electrical Engineering ICEE Conference 2020 to be held from 28 June to 2 July 2020. The ICEE Conference 2020 is an annual forum for electrical engineers and students from all over the world. The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) is honored to host the ICEE Conference 2020 in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan.
The theme of the ICEE Conference 2020 is “Electrical Engineering for Flexible and Resilient Society”, aiming to inspire awareness for intelligent and innovative electrical engineering. The Conference will consist technical sessions, poster sessions and special sessions. Also prominent specialists from all around the world will be invited to share their experiences and new ideas through presentations and discussions on emerging issues. It is expected that more than 300 papers in major topics of electrical engineering field will be presented in the Conference.
We will provide an excellent platform to discuss the latest research and development results, interesting technologies and future creation. We are sure this conference will be a beneficial experience for all participants. Please join us at the ICEE Conference 2020.
We look forward to welcoming you. Please take the time to enjoy the ICEE Conference 2020 program and our city.

Prof. J.Yamaguchi